Cafe NOWA Księgarnia and Zgody 7 celebrate their 5th anniversary together
8 Nov 2023
The capital of Małopolska – the capital of congresses, fairs and conferences from around the world? Yes, it’s possible! Kraków already has modern infrastructure in the form of the ICE Kraków Congress Centre, and above all the best backup of people unite the MICE industry by operating within the KRAKÓW NETWORK group. In order to attract even more industry events, however, changes are needed. The answer to this is the Kraków5020 company, which is just launching its work.
The Kraków5020 company is formally launching its activity, although tasks and projects will be transferred to it gradually. “This is decidedly a longer process. We must not forget that the company is separating itself from KBF – an urban cultural unit – and taking over a certain range of duties from it. And this is followed not only by the division of topics, property and estate, but also by the transfer of a group of employees. In some cases, it is necessary to assign them completely new functions and roles. All this must be very well thought through in order to work efficiently and bring results,” explains Izabela Błaszczyk, President of Kraków5020.
The company will manage the Wyspiański Pavilion, which is presently closed to residents and tourists owing to the ongoing renovation there. For this year, a professional recording and editing studio is also planned in the S5 ICE Kraków hall, i.e. for the needs of the city’s VOD PLAY KRAKÓW platform. However, above all, it will expand the offer of the Congress Centre itself with events organised in a hybrid mode.
The company’s Management Board consists of Izabela Błaszczyk – President, Director of KBF for over 10 years, Paula Fanderowska – Vice-President, hitherto Deputy Director of KBF for the ICE Kraków Congress Centre, and Robert Rozciecha – Vice-President, previously Deputy Director of KBF for Executive Affairs.
The goal and mission of the company is to create the image and promotion of a specific place, city, region, through the use of networking entities from various industries and areas. Therefore, the company name is not accidental, as it is to refer to Kraków’s location, which is at the intersection of the parallel of 50ºN with the meridian of 20ºE. At the same time – what is important – Kraków5020 will not take over the role of PCO, i.e. Professional Congress Organisers and, continuing and developing the KRAKÓW NETWORK cooperation platform, it will remain a link between stakeholders of the local meeting market. That is why it will primarily become a DMO, i.e. Destination Management Organisation, building an image through the cooperation of many entities from the industry.
Contact for the media: Marta Szkudlarek, spokeswoman for Kraków5020
tel. 507 726 991,
KRAKÓW5020 sp. z o.o. w likwidacji
ul. Marii Konopnickiej 17
30-302 Kraków
NIP: 676-26-09-702
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© 2025 Kraków5020 sp. z o.o. w likwidacji
KRAKÓW5020 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością w likwidacji z siedzibą w Krakowie, ul. Marii Konopnickiej 17, 30-302 Kraków, wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy dla Krakowa-Śródmieścia w Krakowie, XI Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod numerem KRS: 0000946545, NIP: 6762609702, wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 25 514 500 złotych.