KRAKÓW5020 sp. z o.o. w likwidacji
ul. Marii Konopnickiej 17
30-302 Kraków
NIP: 676-26-09-702
Kontakt dla mediów:
Wyspiański was an artist difficult to classify. Today we would even say that he was an interdisciplinary artist. Playwright, poet, painter, architect, but also author of captivating pastels. It is pastels that will be the heroes of the next workshop for children with Wyspiański in the background. Its next edition is scheduled on 27 August at Kraków Story.
On 27 August, Kraków Story will host the next meeting for the youngest featuring Stanisław Wyspiański. On 20 August, the youngest will experince the art of designing stained glass, while a week later they will be able to test themselves in pastel drawing.
A mini series of workshops for children about Kraków ancient and contemporary artists are knowledge-enhancing encounters on various artistic techniques. During the first workshop, entitled “Wyspiański and stained glass”, we will not only learn about the work of the famous Young Poland artist, but also create our first pastel works in the spirit of Wyspianski master himself. Admission to the event is free and the number of places is limited.
Stanisław Wyspiański was an artist who worked in many fields of art, but is primarily associated with his famous “Wedding”. In addition to dramas, paintings or stained glass designs, pastels played an important role in his artistic life. The location of the workshop is not incidental either. Kraków Story is a concept store presenting the work of local artists and craftspeople. It is located in the Wyspiański Pavilion which was built to pay tribute to the artist and enable the implementation of the Kraków artist’s famous stained glass designs for Wawel.
The workshop “Wyspiański and Stained Glass”, which will take place at Kraków Story, will be provided by Agnieszka Mazur, a graduate in art history and storyteller at Kraków Story on a daily basis. Agnieszka is a lover of art in theory and in practice and she is constantly retraining herself in various new artistic techniques. She gained experience in cultural animation while working at the Łaźnia Centre for Contemporary Art (in Nowy Port, Gdańsk), creating summer day camps for children. She looks for inspiration in nature, hiking mountain trails and walking along the streets of Kraków every day, admiring the architecture and observing people.
Children’s workshop “Wyspiański and pastels”
27 August 2023, 12.00 noon
Events for children aged 7-9 years
Registration for the event: (e-mail with title “Wyspiański and Stained Glass”) Free entry