Cafe NOWA Księgarnia and Zgody 7 celebrate their 5th anniversary together
8 Nov 2023
We recognise needs and connect industries.
The innovativeness of tourism solutions and our city’s economic growth depend on cooperation.
Business co-ordinates and new hospitality are the buzzwords behind the development of Krakow in the area of the economy, innovation, science and culture. We unite the local meetings market to become more effective internationally. We take care of the image of Krakow as an attractive business destination.
We are a municipal company responsible for the building and management of the city’s image and its promotion in cooperation with numerous partners. Our main objective is to strengthen the brand of Krakow as a modern European metropolis that is attractive, open and tolerant, a city with the global cultural heritage and a thriving academic centre.
The name of Krakow5020 refers to the location of the city that lies at the intersection of the 50ºN parallel of latitude with the 20ºE meridian. We believe that these coordinates are the best address for the development of business.
We are responsible for the ICE Krakow Congress Centre and the hybrid studio located there, the VOD PLAY KRAKOW city platform, PLAY KRAKOW NEWS and projects such as the Krakow Network and Power of 4, the ICE Classic and Good Morning ICE Krakow cycles, a concept store in the Wyspiański Pavilion and the InfoKrakow Official Municipal Information Network among others.
Kraków5020 is a group of people with extensive experience in running projects in the field of the MICE industry, promoting culture and creating the image of the city. By building long-term relationships with partners, we co-create the image of Kraków as a modern destination on the tourist and business map of Europe and the world.
KRAKÓW5020 sp. z o.o. w likwidacji
ul. Marii Konopnickiej 17
30-302 Kraków
NIP: 676-26-09-702
Kontakt dla mediów:
© 2025 Kraków5020 sp. z o.o. w likwidacji
KRAKÓW5020 spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością w likwidacji z siedzibą w Krakowie, ul. Marii Konopnickiej 17, 30-302 Kraków, wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy dla Krakowa-Śródmieścia w Krakowie, XI Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod numerem KRS: 0000946545, NIP: 6762609702, wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 25 514 500 złotych.