You are invited to the Sunday Story, i.e. a new edition of the cycle of meetings taking place in the Wyspiański Pavilion. At 11.00am on 16 April, a workshop will take place in Kraków Story during which we will talk about beeswax and prepare candles together. The workshop will also include a talk about honey combined with a tasting of the liquid gold from the local apiary of the Morawski family. Apiary owners will lead the workshop and Agnieszka Sendor, the taste section curator in Kraków Story invites everyone to it. 

Another workshop in Kraków Story will focus on mysteries of beeswax and honey, which is also called liquid gold. On 16 April, we meet in the Wyspiański Pavilion to reveal some of the secrets of how beeswax is made, what health properties it has and why it was once more expensive than honey.

We will also discuss why one should use candles made of natural raw materials and show you how to make your own beeswax candle or a simple natural lip balm made of olive oil and beeswax. During the workshop, each participant will make their own beeswax tealights and a candle made of the natural comb foundation. The ‘Honey and was’ workshop will be led by the best experts in the field, i.e. Lidia and Mateusz Morawski who also prepare a tasting of 3 natural bee honeys and 2 honeys with freeze-dried fruits.

‘Miody Morawskich is a family apiary with roots in Krakow, created by the Morawski couple with their hearts and passion; their love and knowledge is there in every spoonful of honey. They both have medical training and are specialists in their field, authors of Wielka Encyklopedia Pszczelarstwa (Great Encyclopedia of Beekeeping) and are among the few beekeepers in Poland who have decided to produce organic honeys. They believe that good honey comes from lovingly cared for bees, ecologically clean areas and the professional touch. And we cannot disagree with them.  Their honeydew, so characteristic for our region, has the aroma of a forest and dew after the rain while its taste reminds me of the summer holiday in the countryside and a hank of fresh bread covered with honey. It’s lovely to have Miody Morawskich so close to Krakow!’, Aga Sendor, the taste section curator in Kraków Story added.

We invite you to by far the sweetest of the workshops to date in the Sunday Story cycle at 11.00 am on 16 April. Admission to the workshop is by ticket. The tickets cost PLN 40 and will be available in Kraków Story in the Wyspiański Pavilion at 2, All Saints’ Square from 10.00 am on Thursday.